World Cup Stars Strange Pre-Match Rituals & Superstitions


This weekend, tens of millions of fans and countries happiness will be determined by what our teams players do on the pitch. With that level of pressure, it’ no wonder that footballers  abandon logic and find weird signs, symbols ad routines in which to trust or blame.

What will you be doing yourself this weekend to make sure your team get through into the net round ? From waring ancient pants to special hats, many have their own methods of preparing for a match (to play or watch), but some players have taken this to a whole new level.

Pele gave a match shirt to a fan, only to discover that the shirt contained his power to score goals, suffering  dip in form afterwards. He therefore instructed a friend to get the shirt back and a week later it was returned and with it, his goal scoring powers. Little did he know that the original shirt could not actually be found and he was wearing a fake 😲.


Johan Cruyff.  Holland’s greatest player relied on a string of bizarre pre-match rituals to succeed.
1. He’d slap his goalkeeper in the stomach, before kick-off.
2. Always chew gum before the game and finish it by running into the opponents half and spitting it on their side of the pitch.

Wayne Rooney made sure he was ready for the game with  bowl of coco pops, why ar we not surprised Wayne 😁.

Paul Gascoigne would get his inspiration from touching Les Ferdinand’s Penis before every international game. “He made mine look small, I went ‘Les, Les please, please let me have one f***ing hold of that thing’. “So he let me have a hold of it. And I went out played a blinder and scored, right. I thought ‘f***ing brilliant’.” Since then having a firm hold of Ferdinand’s “Private Parts” became his pre-game ritual. Enabling him to get to the semi 🤣, sorry.

What was/is your pre-match ritual before a big game? No touching please and if it’s any kind of old garment, keep things decent ! See you at your match night(s)!

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