Dads Panini Euro’s Special !


It’s that time again, the Euros 👍⚽. It might be a year late, there might not be many fans but it will still be a great celebration of international football, just from a distance. Today we thought it would be interesting to look back to another tradition that goes hand in hand with international football (and domestic football to be honest 😁). Panini stickers.

The first sticker album was created by Panini for the 1970 Mexico world cup and ever since then, football fans have been hooked. You can’t describe the excitement of finding that precious Dennis Bergkamp foil or the dreaded disappointment of unwrapping yet another David Platt to add to your four others.

It’s addictive and you can quickly rack up lots of money trying to desperately complete the album. It’s an expensive hobby these days with it costing an easy £150 to complete a full album (if you’re lucky) with each pack costing about £1 for five stickers. So if you or your kids are trying to complete an album this summer, here are some tips to help save money and time so that you can satisfyingly complete your album in time for one of the home nations to lift the Cup 💪👏.

Use specific Facebook groups to swap stickers.
The invention of the internet has benefitted mankind hugely. Internet shopping, sharing of information worldwide. But arguably its biggest benefit is that now collectors can swap stickers online through Facebook. 

Buy in Bulk
To save money you could buy a big box of stickers. Some would say this takes the fun out of it but those people probably won’t ever complete the album. You can buy 500 stickers online for 70 pounds!

Use Ebay and Buy a Ready  Full Album 
Surprisingly not as expensive as you might think and could even be a wise investment. Strange but true – don’t stick the stickers in 😲, keep an empty album and all the stickers un touched. If you look on ebay for vintage albums, empty ones with all the stickers are the ones that make the money.

A good international competition inspires the Nation to get out and play, so hopefully we’ll see a few more of your mates joining us on your match nights and we can get a few more games going post tournament.   

And we’ll continue to evolve own own ‘DADs v DADs’ stickers, so we can recognise some ‘true legends’ of the grassroots game and make a note of the contributions made to PLAYING AND KEEPING OTHERS PLAYING TOO !

Which is your match night, get booked on 👍⚽

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