Over 8 Million Men in the UK are Inactive! September is a perfect time for a new season!


The holidays are over, which brings a new opportunity to make a commitment to get in a better shape or to stay in shape if you’ve got there already ,👍, body and mind. Corona virus has highlighted some weaknesses within our society, particular for men and has brought to our attention to what can happen if we don’t keep ourselves in reasonable health. So September is a great time to make a change and establish some better routines.

It is no secret that as we get older it becomes more of a struggle to find time and motivation for sport. According to the BBC, some 8.3 million men are inactive. For a sport loving nation that’s a very big number.  

Whilst we don’t mean we need to lose 5 stone and become an ultra marathon runner. Making a few changes and making some time for the sporting activity you enjoy could be exactly what you need to refocus during those stressful weeks and also make yourself healthier.

Of course the family is rightly priority one, finding some time for yourself to have a bit of a laugh and get fitter is important too. Football is particularly good for this. When you get stuck into a good game of football the time flies by, you’ve burnt 900 calories without noticing and any problems or stresses have disappeared. All you’re focused on is winning the game and hopefully nicking a goal or two yourself and perhaps a beer afterwards. It’s a great way to spend a couple of hours with like minded people.

We love hearing your stories of health improvement too, where you’ve told us you’ve lost 1/2, 1, 2, 3 and even one 5 stone story 👍 part of which you have put down to being more active by having a regular DADS v DADS games in your week so please keep sharing them.

At DADS v DADS we’re going to stay focused and keep trying to get guys back into football. You can do your part by sharing what we do, and best of all, that between us we’ll have saved some lives and we won’t even know, that’s how it should be 🙌🙌. Thanks for your support and here’s to the new 21/21 Football Season!

Which is your match night ? Book on it now 👍





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